Science lecture series ‘Café Botanique’ at Denver Botanic Gardens
The lectures create an atmosphere where botanical science, research and art provide communication topics for academia, artists and general public at Denver Botanic Gardens’ Botanical Art and Illustration
The lectures and debates are committed to
  • enrich the knowledge of the general public about Denver Botanic Gardens’ exhibits and Botanical Art and Illustration Program
  • debate the current exhibits and the topics of BI-courses among scientific experts and artists
  • engage the public in botanical science.
  • bring together the BI-community with a cross-section of the general public
  • involve scientists and non-scientists alike in Denver Botanic Gardens’ Education and Interpretation programs.
How does it work?Café Botanique generally meets once a month on Wednesday evenings at Denver Botanic Gardens, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
An invited speaker will give a 30-40 min informal presentation followed by questions, answers and general discussion.
Participation to one lecture gives 1 elective credit hour for students in the BI-program.
Lectures will be announced to the public at least one week ahead of time introducing the speaker and the talk with a short abstract.
The complete list of lectures, locations and times dates will be posted at the gardens website, the blog and announced publicly as soon all the speakers have confirmed.
For more information or to be added to our email list for bi-weekly notifications of Café Botanique events, email us at:
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